Potluck Pal
Web app that makes it easy to sign up for and share information about a potluck.
Web app that makes it easy to sign up for and share information about a potluck.
Web app that allows a video store to track customers, movies, and rentals.
Web app that manages an e-commerce store.
Web app where users can vote for their favorite pieces of media.
Web app that manages a community rideshare program.
Static website based on a wireframe for a startup company.
Command line interface for interacting with a Slack workspace.
Command line interface and library code for a hotel booking system.
Library code for a ride share company to keep track of drivers, passengers, and trips.
Library code for a grocery store to keep track of customers and orders.
Fun anagram word game similar to Scrabble.
Web mashup that gets a random fact online and returns it in Pig Latin.
Online calculator that can add, subtract, multiply, or divide two or more numbers.
Library code for a furniture store to keep track of customers, products, and rentals.
Command line interface and library code for a charity's mailroom.
Teddy bear automatically tweets a photo and caption with the press of a button.
Retrieves your daily horoscope from the internet.
Library code for a library to keep track of members and books.
Mobile app with quiz on state capitals.
Mobile app that keeps track of score for a football game.