

Potluck Pal

Web app that makes it easy to sign up for and share information about a potluck.

python, django, django rest framework, postgres, api, heroku, javascript, react, firebase

vhs cassette

BKR Video Store

Web app that allows a video store to track customers, movies, and rentals.

javascript, react, rails, ruby, postgres, api, pair programming, agile methodology

bars of soap


Web app that manages an e-commerce store.

rails, ruby, postgres, oauth, bootstrap, css, heroku, pair programming, agile methodology

box of popcorn

Media Ranker

Web app where users can vote for their favorite pieces of media.

rails, ruby, postgres, bootstrap, css, heroku, wireframe

vw bus

Goober Ride Share

Web app that manages a community rideshare program.

rails, ruby, postgres, css, heroku, pair programming, agile methodology

person looking at a website on a laptop


Static website based on a wireframe for a startup company.

html, css, flexbox, css grid, wireframe

slackbot emoji

Slack CLI

Command line interface for interacting with a Slack workspace.

ruby, api, pair programming, object-oriented programming, test-driven development



Command line interface and library code for a hotel booking system.

ruby, csv, object-oriented programming, test-driven development

person driving a car

Ride Share

Library code for a ride share company to keep track of drivers, passengers, and trips.

ruby, csv, object-oriented programming, test-driven development

vegetables in a grocery store

Grocery Store

Library code for a grocery store to keep track of customers and orders.

ruby, csv, test-driven development

scrabble tiles on a board


Fun anagram word game similar to Scrabble.

ruby, pair programming


Pig Latin Fact

Web mashup that gets a random fact online and returns it in Pig Latin.

python, web scraping, bootstrap, flask, heroku



Online calculator that can add, subtract, multiply, or divide two or more numbers.

python, wsgi, bootstrap, heroku


Furniture Store

Library code for a furniture store to keep track of customers, products, and rentals.

python, csv, mongodb

mail in a door


Command line interface and library code for a charity's mailroom.

python, object-oriented programming

teddy bear

Twitter Bot

Teddy bear automatically tweets a photo and caption with the press of a button.

python, oauth, api, raspberry pi, pi camera



Retrieves your daily horoscope from the internet.

python, web scraping

books on a shelf


Library code for a library to keep track of members and books.

java, object-oriented programming

united states map

State Capitals

Mobile app with quiz on state capitals.

java, xml, android studio


Football Scorer

Mobile app that keeps track of score for a football game.

java, xml, android studio